Allowing a Faucet to Run to Avoid Frozen Pipes
To allow a faucet to trickle without causing auto shutoffs while not fully disabling FloLogic monitoring, you can adjust the flow sensitivity setting. After you open a faucet for a small drip/stream, using the FloLogic app, touch the “eye” button and observe the amount of water flowing in real-time. An example of a small drip stream might be 5-10 oz per minute. Once that is determined then you can go into Settings and change the Flow Sensitivity to be an amount that is greater than the amount of the drip/steam, say 12-13 oz for example. FloLogic will “ignore” any water flowing below the Flow Sensitivity flow rate and the timer will not begin until the flow goes above this changed sensitivity rate. Once the temperature goes back to more normal levels, you can reset the flow sensitivity back to the default of 2oz/minute (or as desired).