Fix a Leak Week Reminds Us to Evaluate our Home Plumbing
“Leaks aren’t top of mind for most homeowners because water is cheap and most water meters can’t register the small leaks”

Water Saving Tips for Fix-A-Leak Week
Water waste is rampant and for Fix a Leak Week, an EPA-WaterSense awareness initiative, FloLogic is educating the public about practices and smart home technology that will save our precious natural resource. Here are five water saving tips for Fix-A-Leak Week.

Plumbing Leaks Waste Billions
An estimated 12 percent of the water that supplies U.S. houses is wasted on leaks, spilling more than 775 billion gallons of water each year. Here are some pragmatic and technological steps toward fighting the resource waste and financial burden of plumbing leaks.

Take Preventative Steps to Avoid Frozen Pipes
According to the Insurance Industry Institute, water damage and freezing is the second most common home insurance claim filed, with the average claim totaling $8,861. In fact, frozen pipes are a significant contributor to the more than $10 billion in annual insurance claims paid out due to plumbing leaks.

Plumbing Leaks Cost You For Years to Come
“I have insurance, I don’t need a leak control device.” If you’ve ever thought insurance is the only safety net you need to protect your home, you aren’t considering the long-term cost implications of using your coverage to repair water damage from a plumbing leak.

The Importance of Real Time Leak Control
As pioneers in comprehensive real-time flow based leak control, FloLogic has observed a variety of products that are sold as leak detection solutions that have entered and exited the market. As more products become available, it’s important to recognize how FloLogic offers superior protection against potentially costly leaks.
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